Risk- and Insurance management
Professional services

Professional services centred around the changing reality.

De Risk and Insurance Health check

SwanAdvisory offers a concise ‘Risk & Insurance Health check’. This approach consists of the following elements:

  1. Mapping your companies material risks.
  2. Based on this assessment we can determine which risks can best be mitigated, retained or transferred.
  3. Based on various financial ratios we can determine your companies risk bearing capacity.
  4. Recommendations that will deliver an optimized insurance program.

Insurance Management

How wonderful would it be to spend less time in managing your insurance programs and achieving better results? Many policyholders have not updated their policy conditions and have verified if they are properly aligned to the company’s risk profile or if certain policies are still required or missing.

Conventional insurance brokers are ill-suited to provide advice on risk mitigation or alternative risk transfer solutions, as they are usually remunerated on commission basis and have an interest in maintaining the status quo. We believe that separating placement and advice will lead to better results when considering how the risk budget is best allocated to protect the organizations balance sheet.

SwanAdvisory is an independent advisor and not a transactional insurance broker. We do ensure that your insurance policies are fit for purpose. We realize synergies throughout the negotiation process and design a suitable risk transfer strategy and drive the renewal process. We have the experience and knowledge in placing complex (global) insurance programs and we can advocate for redesigning your policy conditions. We can also assist you in selecting a suitable insurance broker or insurance company.

(Legal) Claims Management

Should an incident have occurred that leads to a complex claim, SwanAdvisory can support you in how to best manage the process that will result in claims resolution. Our claims resolution service will often lead to quicker and smoother results as our expert view of the commercial and technical aspects means we can approach claims differently to lawyers and insurance brokers.

We can also design and implement efficient claims processes, aided by advanced technology, specifically for organizations with high frequency of claims or incidents like large fleet owners, logistic service providers and the retail industry.

M&A integration/carve out management

Are you expecting to divest part of your organization or are you seeking to acquire a company then this will have an impact on your risk profile and insurance programs. How do you ensure that you avoid a dyssynergy or how can you achieve savings? SwanAdvisory supports corporates and private equity firms in managing the integration or carve-out process. We are central in the design of new insurance program, risk identification, due diligence and successful integration of insurance programs with the focus on quality control and achieving synergies.