Risk- and Insurance management

Professional services for changing realities.

Insurance Management

We can act as your Insurance Manager. We see that many companies need specific knowledge in the field of insurance and risk management, but do not have this knowledge in-house. We can take on this task and support you for a number of hours per week. This gives you efficient access to our high-quality knowledge and experience. Your insurance portfolio and broker will be actively managed, claims will be handled and contracts with your buyers or suppliers will be reviewed on the (or all?) insurance aspects. Our services are available on an ongoing basis or for a shorter period of time.

De Risk and Insurance Health check

This involves a more project-based approach. Based on the main risks your company faces and the financial risk appetite you have, we assess the insurance portfolio. This results in a report with recommendations that lead to an improved quality of insurance coverage and often to savings. In addition to the advice, we also implement our recommendations.

Enterprise Risk Management

Of all the risks a company faces, only 20% turn out to be insurable. It is therefore very important to have a good overview of all the risks the company faces. With our software, we help you to easily list your risks and score them on frequency and impact. This produces a risk matrix that enables you to prioritize your risks and formulate measures to mitigate them. Experience shows that in a relatively short time this process can be completed with quickly concrete output.

Broker tenders

Many companies want to test from time to time whether their insurance broker is still the right party to work with, but would like to be supported in the tender process. SwanAdvisory is experienced in selecting the best party. We facilitate the process from preparing a thorough tender document to defining objective criteria to arrive at a choice.

M&A insurance due diligence en integratie

In the M&A due diligence process, we often see that the subject of insurance remains underexposed or that the investigation is not conducted by knowledgeable parties. We are experienced in conducting insurance due diligence, getting to the heart of the matter quickly and showing the red flags at a glance. We also look at possible synergy benefits and can perform the integration of insurance programs.

Global Employee benefits

Many companies miss opportunities to centrally regulate governance around this issue. Employee insurance costs are a significant part of payroll costs and are also strongly influenced by (medical) inflation. We can not only help you achieve synergy benefits but we also arrange the implementation.